Category Archives: Sass

The purulent bronchitis was worth it

While discussing the impressive “tonal beauty” of thick urban atmospheres… pretty sure he’s praising smog

Page 68, Oil Painting Techniques and Materials by Harold Speed

Come paint in London… impress your friends with your mastery of atmospheric perspective… die young from hypoxia

On Abstract Art

And without the title, “Portrait of an Englishwoman,” I doubt whether Mr. Lewis’s drawing would have suggested to anybody even the most violent and revolutionary of ideas on English femininity; but might have left them still puzzled whether it was a design for a new sort of magic lantern, or a railway signal after an accident.

Page 35,  Oil Painting Techniques and Materials by Harold Speed

lewisenglishwomanI am inclined to agree with Mr. Speed.


On “violently modern painters:”

It seems a pity even so simple a technical course as could be furnished by an ordinary house-painter as to a decent manner of putting on paint, has not been indulged in.

Page 64,  Oil Painting Techniques and Materials by Harold Speed

2016 Politics?

A loud-voiced manner is undoubtedly the popular one at the moment, and these crude voices are naturally intolerant of what they do not comprehend, and the more cultured manners of expression are hateful to them.

Page 12,  Oil Painting Techniques and Materials by Harold Speed

p.s. this was originally written in 1924.